Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Shepherd's Staff -- December 29, 2008

Welcome to the Shepherd's Staff Online for the week of December 29, 2008. This newsletter is sent weekly by the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd to keep parish members and friends informed of current activities at the church.

This Week at Good Shepherd
Lectionary for the Week of December 29, 2008
Erin Kistner
Diaper Drive for Needy Families
This Week at Good Shepherd
SATURDAY, January 3rd
10:00 a.m. The Outreach Committee we will be in Worsham Hall at 10:00 a.m. getting ready for the first Teen MOPS meeting on January 8. All are invited to help make decorations, name tags, and welcoming signs for the teens.
SUNDAY, January 4th
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist –Rite I
9:00 am Adult Discussion Group
10:00 am Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
Lectionary for the Week of December 29, 2008
AM Psalm 2, 26; Isaiah 49:13-23; Matthew 18:1-14
PM Psalm 19, 126; Isaiah 54:1-13; Mark 10:13-16

Tuesday, Dec. 30:
AM Psalm 20, 21:1-7(8-14); PM Psalm 23, 27
Isa 25:1-9; Rev. 1:9-20; John 7:53-8:11

Wednesday, Dec. 31:
AM Psalm 46, 48
Isa. 26:1-9; 2 Cor. 5:16-6:2; John 8:12-19

Thursday, Jan. 1:
AM Psalm 103; PM Psalm 148
Gen. 17:1-12a,15-16; Col. 2:6-12; John 16:23b-30

Friday, Jan. 2:
AM Psalm 34; PM Psalm 33
Gen. 12:1-7; Heb. 11:1-12; John 6:35-42, 48-51

Saturday, Jan. 3:
AM Psalm 68; PM Psalm 72
Gen. 28:10-22; Heb. 11:13-22; John 10:7-17
Special Requests
A kidney donor has been found for Erin Kistner. The surgeries will be performed on January 6. Blood donors are desperately needed. At least one hundred units of blood will be needed on reserve. Anyone can donate, regardless of blood type. Blood donations can be made at any Florida Georgia Blood Alliance location. Please specify that the blood be reserved for the Erin Kistner account, #6445.
Diaper Drive for Needy Families
Emergency Pregnancy Services, a neighborhood non-profit, pro-life crisis center, provides free services to over 3,000 women and children each year. One of their greatest needs are diapers (especially newborn size) and baby bottles. Please consider adding either to your weekly shopping list and bringing them to the collection box in the narthex. Your generosity and help will be greatly appreciated!
There are now forms in the back of the Church for you to update email addresses and/or phone numbers.

Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to parish@goodshepherd23.org or call the church office 387-5691
Let us know if you have any suggestions for changes, additions, announcements, articles, etc. or if you have someone that you think might enjoy being added to the list to receive the Shepherd’s Staff Online.

A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the Calendar button at our website at www.goodshepherd23.org.