Monday, January 5, 2009

Shepherd's Staff -- January 5, 2009

Welcome to the Shepherd's Staff Online for the week of January 5, 2009.

This Week at Good Shepherd
January Covered Dish Luncheon
Lectionary for the Week of Jan. 5, 2009
Forward Day By Day
Blood Drive
Erin Kistner
Help Us Update Our Records
This Week at Good Shepherd
MONDAY, January 5th
6:00 pm - Buildings and Grounds Committee
WEDNESDAY, January 7th
5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
5:30 p.m. - St. Nicholas & St. Cecilia choirs rehearsal
6:00 p.m. - Hors d'oeuvres & Rector's Program.
We are currently studying the Gospel according to Mark. Join us and bring a friend
7:00 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY, January 8th
4:00 p.m. - Teen MOPS
SUNDAY, January 11th
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist -Rite I
8:30 a.m. - Adult Discussion Group
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite II
11:00 a.m. -Parish Luncheon (Worsham Hall)
Lectionary for the Week of January 5th
Monday, Jan. 5
AM Psalm 2, 110:1-5(6-7)
Joshua 1:1-9; Heb. 11:32-12:2; John 15:1-16

Tuesday, Jan. 6, Epiphany
AM Psalm 46, 97; PM Psalm 96, 100
Isa. 52:7-10; Rev. 21:22-27; Matt. 12:14-21

Wednesday, Jan. 7
AM Psalm 103; PM Psalm 114, 115
Isa. 52:3-6; Rev. 2:1-7; John 2:1-11

Thursday, Jan. 8
AM Psalm 117, 118; PM Psalm 112, 113
Isa. 59:15-21; Rev. 2:8-17; John 4:46-54

Friday, Jan. 9
AM Psalm 121, 122, 123; PM Psalm 131, 132
Isa. 63:1-5; Rev. 2:18-29; John 5:1-15

Saturday, Jan. 10
AM Psalm 138, 139:1-17(18-23)
Isa. 65:1-9; Rev. 3:1-6; John 6:1-14
Copies of Forward Day By Day books for November, December, and January are in the narthex and in the parish office.
The Blood Alliance has asked that we have the mobile unit do a blood drive here at Good Shepherd. (We stopped doing our quarterly drives because we couldn't get enough people to give). Please, if you can commit to give blood on January 11th, tell Dale Taylor so she can advise them if we have enough donors. They desperately need blood, so if you possibly can, please do! Dale's phone number is 390-0459, cell 887-6587, if you miss her after church.
A kidney donor has been found for Erin Kistner. The surgeries will be performed on January 6. Blood donors are desperately needed. At least one hundred units of blood will be needed on reserve. Anyone can donate, regardless of blood type. Blood donations can be made at any Florida Georgia Blood Alliance location. Please specify that the blood be reserved for the Erin Kistner account, #6445.
There are forms in the back of the Church for you to update email addresses and/or phone numbers.

Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691
A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the Calendar button at our website.