In this edition:
Advent and Christmas Music Schedule
Children’s December Schedule
Date Change Shepherd’s Tree Outreach
Advent and Christmas Music Ministry
December 9th Renaissance instruments will be accompanied by the Cornel Zimmer Continuo Organ which is on loan to Good Shepherd for this Sunday. John Parkyn, organist and member of the choir, has made it possible for the Zimmer Continuo Organ to be at Good Shepherd for this Sunday. Cornel Zimmer is a leading organ builder in this country. The Continuo Organ has been on hire from as far away as Canada and is making its way down the eastern coast. It is making a brief two day stop in Jacksonville. We thank Mr. Zimmer and Mr. Parkyn for making this fine instrument available to us today.
December 16th Lessons and Carols Service 10:00am
St. Nicholas Choir, St. Cecelia Choir and Good Shepherd Choir
December 16th Luminaria Concert 5:00–5:45pm.
The Renaissance Singers of Good Shepherd perform traditional carols for the Riverside/Avondale community at Good Shepherd. The mighty E.M. Skinner organ will lead the congregation in singing Christmas Carols.
Christmas Eve Services
5:00pm Christmas Pageant and Holy Eucharist with the St. Nicholas Choir, St. Cecilia Choir and Chancel Choir
10:30pm Good Shepherd Choir and Chamber Music Society.
Gloria, by Antonio Vivaldi, sung by the Good Shepherd Choir and accompanied by the Chamber Music Society of Good Shepherd.
11:00pm Festival of Holy Eucharist
Children’s’ Ministry
Calling all children – 3 years through 12th grade:
We are planning a Christmas Pageant for the family service on Christmas Eve!
Rehearsals will follow the 10:00 AM services on December 9, 16, and 23. We will finish with a “dress rehearsal” on Sunday December 23. There may be an additional time for individuals with speaking roles.
St. Nicholas and St. Cecelia Choirs will sing again December 16 during the 10:00 am service
Need more information about Children’s Ministry at Good Shepherd? Contact Deacon Linda at
Shepherd’s Tree Outreach
The delivery date has changed for Shepherd Tree Outreach. Please deliver your gifts and contributions to the Church office no later than Wednesday, December 12, 2007. Our outreach to those in our local community in need is an important part of what we do at Good Shepherd. Jesus calls each of us to care for our neighbors. As we approach Christmas and we prepare to thank God for our many blessings, let us remember those who, but for our Shepherd Tree, will receive little or nothing in the form of gifts during this joyous season. We have placed “ornaments” on the tree located in the narthex with the names and wish-list items of children we are reaching out to. Keep in mind that the items on the wish list are just that, “wishes”. All gifts will be welcomed, including cash contributions so that gifts can be purchased. If you have any questions please contact Paul Arrington at 386-3576.
Suggestions for gift items:
Children ages 0 – 5: Age appropriate games, books, stuffed animals, puppets, puzzles, blocks, toys that stimulate development.
Ages 5 – 10: Art and craft supplies, books, games, small soccer balls, dolls, sports equipment, puzzles, construction sets, cars/trucks.
Ages 10 – 19: Perfume, small purses, shower gel and powders, costume jewelry, calculators, watches, baseball cards, hair accessories, stationery/diaries, wallets, sports equipment, baseball caps, magazines, books, art supplies, board games, soccer balls, posters, walkman, clothing, tote bags and backpacks.
A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the