In this edition:
Riverside Fine Arts Concert
Children’s December Schedule
Shepherd’s Tree Outreach
Laity of the Diocese
Riverside Fine Arts
presents one of the world’s most beloved and accomplished jazz singers, Jane Monheit on Saturday, December 8 at 8pm. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for students. For more information call 389-6222 or visit
Children’s’ Ministry
- Advent Wreaths – Sunday December 2
Materials for making a wreath for your home will be available following the 10:00 AM service in Worsham Hall. - St. Nicholas Night – Wednesday December 5
A simple supper at 6:00 PM will be provided. Following supper we will hear the story of Nicholas of Myra and view a short movie. After the story we will go into the church for compline. Of course we will leave our shoes by the door. - Calling all children – 3 years through 12th grade:
We are planning a Christmas Pageant for the family service on Christmas Eve!
Rehearsals will follow the 10:00 AM services on December 9, 16, and 23. We will finish with a “dress rehearsal” on Sunday December 23. There may be an additional time for individuals with speaking roles. - Children’s Enrichment Workshop
The Children’s Enrichment Workshop (CEW) has had a tremendous beginning with 6 returning students and 10 new students. The returning students are enjoying their individual lessons with “Miss Linda” (Linda Meinke). The new students are reaping the benefit of having two teachers on Tuesdays. Valerie Pate began teaching with Linda in September. Many thanks to our volunteers: Valerie Pate, Susan Merritt, Elaine Draper, Gar Rosengren, Faye Lee and Joy Miller. - Godly Play
A second Godly Play class was added in September offering a new class for children in first grade and older. The new class moved into the Children’s Chapel on the second floor of Worsham Hall. With a special gift we were able to provide all things needed to furnish the room for Godly Play. Many thanks to Felicia Bullock for her leadership and passion for Godly Play. Teachers for both classes include Fran Wulbern, Margo Easter, Tracy Hodsdon, Susan Morgan, Shawna Leu, David Lasch and Sheryl Pulley. - St. Nicholas and St. Cecelia Choirs will sing twice in December – December 2 and December 16
Need more information about Children’s Ministry at Good Shepherd? Contact Deacon Linda at
Shepherd’s Tree Outreach
Outreach to those in our local community in need is an important part of what we do at Good Shepherd. Christ calls each of us to care for our neighbors. As we approach Christmas and we prepare to thank God for our many blessings, let us remember those who, but for our Shepherd Tree, will receive little or nothing in the form of gifts during this joyous season.
On our Shepherd Tree, located in the narthex, we have placed “ornaments” with the names and wish-list items of children we are reaching out to. Keep in mind that the items on the wish list are just that, “wishes”. All gifts will be welcomed, including cash contributions so that gifts can be purchased.
Please deliver your gifts and contributions to the Church office no later than 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 16, 2007.
If you have any questions please contact Paul Arrington at (904) 386-3576.
Laity of the Diocese
You are invited to spend the afternoon of December 8th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. with Bishop Howard at Camp Weed and the Cerveny Conference Center for Bible study and conversation. If you choose to come early for lunch at noon, please call Jeanie at (386) 364-5250.
A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the