This Week at Good ShepherdThis Week at Good Shepherd
Lectionary for the Week of May 18, 2009
Vestry Minutes March 27, 2009
Forward Day By Day
Ofering Envelopes
Flower Chart
Diocesan Youth Ministry
From The Hospitality Committee
Help Us Update Our Records
MONDAY, May 18thLectionary for the Week of May 18th6:00 p.m. - Outreach Committee (Fant Library)TUESDAY, May 19th4:00 p.m. - Garden Guild (Courtyard)WEDNESDAY, May 20th5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist (Rite II)THURSDAY, May 21st
6:00 p.m. - Hors d'oeuvres and Rector's program
7:00 p.m. - Chancel Choir rehearsal7:00 p.m. - Ascension ServiceSUNDAY, May 24th8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist -Rite I
9:00 a.m. - Adult Discussion Group
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite II
Monday:Vestry Minutes - March 27, 2009
AM Psalm 80; PM Psalm 77, [79]
Deut. 8:1-10; James 1:1-15; Luke 9:18-27
AM Psalm 78:1-39; PM Psalm 78:40-72
Deut. 8:11-20; James 1:16-27; Luke 11:1-13
AM Psalm 119:97-120
Baruch 3:24-37; James 5:13-18; Luke 12:22-31
Ascension Day:
AM Psalm 8, 47; PM Psalm 24, 96
Ezek. 1:1-14,24-28b; Heb. 2:5-18; Matt. 28:16-20
AM Psalm 85, 86; PM Psalm 91, 92
Ezek. 1:28-3:3; Heb. 4:14-5:6; Luke 9:28-36
AM Psalm 87, 90; PM Psalm 136
Ezek. 3:4-17; Heb. 5:7-14; Luke 9:37-50
Those present: Stan Bullock, Bronson Lamb, Keith Sands, Shep Colledge, John Zell, Nick Humphress, Charlotte Lewis, Ken Pitts, Susan Merrett, Matt Wolfe (Absent: Rupert Bliss)FORWARD DAY BY DAY
Fr. Doug opened the meeting with prayer at 7:20 PM.
Susan Merrett was unanimously elected as the new clerk of the vestry.
Minutes were approved with the following amendments: Matt Wolfe was present at the February meeting (Colledge/Zell)
Weekly Shepherds Staff will include synopsis of vestry minutes after approval of vestry. Complete minutes will be available online and will be so stated in the bulletin.
Charlotte and Keith will add new email addresses to the mailing list.
Fr. Doug's report included the following:The Junior Warden, Nick Humphress reported that:
- W.A.T.S. event was a huge success. There were a lot of volunteers, positive feedback from parishioners and the surrounding community.
- The $25,000 grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation in honor of The Rev. Arthur Stanley Bullock has been received, with the monies to be used for a plaque in the church, in recognition of Fr. Bullock's work for the stain glass window over the Great West Doors, and the completion of the renovations to Worsham Hall. A report to the foundation concerning the use of the money will be required.
- The Holy Week offerings are as follows:
Monday & Tuesday 5:30 - Stations of the Cross
Wednesday - 5:30 Holy Eucharist
Maundy Thursday -7:30 service
Good Friday - 7:30 service
Saturday - 7:30 Easter Vigil with BaptismsStan Bullock gave the treasurer report to include the following:
- The picture hanging system has been installed in Craig Hall
- One half of the overhanging tree in the courtyard will be cut
- He will re-hang the permanent flower board with a schedule on it
- The lower pin hole in the door opening from the hall to the courtyard is temporarily fixed, and a permanent solution is pending
- Bob Cole of Florida Sound Systems is preparing an estimate to improve the sound system
Shep Colledge reported that there has been no response from Trane following the letter sent by our attorney Lep Adams. He recommended moving forth with arbitration and using restoration funds to pay the $1,250 filing fee, due to the time issues involved and their lack of response. The motion was passed unanimously.
- The diocesan pledge has been reduced, the current balance includes only our 2009 pledge. The church is currently 2 payments in arrears Stanley Bullock gave an update on the swimming pool. The Pillars Trust dispersed the remainder ($10,500.) of the trust for current pool related expenses. The restoration account may cover some upcoming repairs. In addition, the patrons are moving forward on some cosmetic issues and additional work will have to be completed in the near future. Adjustments to the boiler have been made and should reveal a more consistent water temperature. Periodic adjustments and maintenance to the boiler are needed, but will be tabled pending more permanent solutions to the pool. Stanley and Shep will continue to work with pool patrons and interested parties for a sustainable solution to the pool issues.
Charlotte Lewis requested that the treasurers report be published. After discussion, it was decided that a synopsis of the report will accompany quarterly statements as they are mailed.
Motion to adjourn was made and approved.
Next meeting will be April 27th @ 6:00 pm.
Susan Merrett
Clerk of the Vestry
Copies of Forward Day By Day books for May, June, and July are in the narthex and in the parish office.OFFERING ENVELOPES
Those of you who have not already done so, please pick up your offering envelopes in the narthex.FLOWERS
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for Gail Dunn by Don Dunn.Diocesan Youth Ministry
If you would like to donate funds for altar flowers, please visit the flower chart in the narthex to schedule your arrangement for a particular Sunday. Donations can be made in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one, event, etc. The Flower Guild will provide an arrangement with a $75 donation. Note: To ensure that your order will be honored, please contact the Parish Office for flower requests.
The Episcopal Diocese of FloridaFrom the Hospitality Committee:
325 Market Street - Jacksonville, FL 32202
904-356-1328 -
Summer Camp @ Camp Weed
Registration forms and scholarship forms for the upcoming summer program at Camp Weed are available on the Camper Information page of the Summer Camp section of the website.
Be sure to visit for information on Diocesan Youth Ministry and the Summer Camp program at Camp Weed.
Donations of ginger ale, frozen juices, and cookies are always needed for the coffee hour. Items can be dropped off at the church office. Please write "coffee hour" on each bag.HELP US UPDATE OUR PARISH RECORDS.
Let us know if you want your contact information published in the 2009 Parish Directory. Please fill-out a contact update form and return it to the church office. Forms can be found in the narthex.
Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691