This Week at Good ShepherdThis Week at Good Shepherd
Lectionary for the Week of October 27, 2008
Diaper Drive for Needy Families
Upcoming Events – Dinners For Eight
Forward Day By Day
Flowers at the Altar
How YOU Can Help
Special Requests
MONDAY, October 27thSunday, November 2nd, 6:00 p.m.6:00 p.m. VestryTUESDAY, October 28th3:00 p.m. – CEWWEDNESDAY, October 29th
6:00 p.m. – Good Shepherd 101 (Not meeting this week.)5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist (Rite II)THURSDAY, October 30th
5:30 p.m. - St. Nicholas and St. Cecilia choirs Rehearsal
6:00 p.m. - Hors d'oeuvres & Rector's Program in Craig Lounge
Father Doug is leading a Bible Study on the Gospel according to Mark. Bring a friend!
7:00 p.m. – Chancel Choir Rehearsal3:00 p.m. – CEWSUNDAY, November 2ndReminder! – Daylight Savings Time Ends On November 2nd ("Fall back").
8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist -Rite I
10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist - Rite II
6:00 p.m. - The Jacksonville Premiere of Monteverdi's Vespers (1610).
Lectionary for the Week of October 27, 2008The Jacksonville Premiere of Monteverdi's Vespers (1610).
The UNF Chamber Singers, Soloists, and Ensemble, Cara Tasher, conductor, and the New York tenor Alex Richardson will be performing at Good Shepherd. The UNF Chamber Singers is an ensemble of 16 singers that performs at a professional level in ten to twenty concerts throughout the year. This versatile group has won applause and recognition. The concert is free and open to the public.
Monday:Diaper Drive for Needy Families
AM Psalm 41, 52; PM Psalm 44
Ecclus. 19:4-17; Rev. 11:1-14; Luke 11:14-26
AM Psalm 45; PM Psalm 47, 48
Ecclus. 24:1-12; Rev. 11:14-19; Luke 11:27-36
AM Psalm 119:49-72; PM Psalm 49, [53]
Ecclus. 28:14-26; Rev. 12:1-6; Luke 11:37-52 Luke 13:22-30
AM Psalm 50; PM Psalm [59, 60] or 33
Ecclus. 31:12-18,25-32:2; Rev. 12:7-17; Luke 11:53-12:12
AM Psalm 40, 54; PM Psalm 51
Ecclus. 34:1-8,18-22; Rev. 13:1-10; Luke 12:13-31
AM Psalm 55; PM Psalm 138, 139:1-17(18-23)
Ecclus. 35:1-17; Rev. 13:11-18; Luke 12:32-48
Emergency Pregnancy Services, a neighborhood non-profit, pro-life crisis center, provides free services to over 3,000 women and children each year. One of their greatest needs are diapers (especially newborn size) and baby bottles. Please consider adding either to your weekly shopping list and bringing them to the collection box in the narthex. Your generosity and help will be greatly appreciated!UPCOMING EVENTS
“DINNERS FOR 8”Forward Day By Day
Saturday, November 15th @ 6:00 pm
Join us for food, fellowship and fun at individual homes, potluck style!!- a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners! Call now to participate. Call Alina at the church office or Susan Merrett (387-3418) and let us know you’re excited to be included.
The Forward Day By Day books for November, December and January have arrived. You may pick up your copy in the narthex or in the parish office.The flowers at the altar this past Sunday were given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Rod Porter.
Special Requests
HELP US UPDATE OUR PARISH RECORDS.Let us know if you have any suggestions for changes, additions, announcements, articles, etc. or if you have someone that you think might enjoy being added to the list to receive the Shepherd’s Staff Online.
There are now forms in the back of the Church for you to update email addresses and/or phone numbers.
Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691
A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the