In this edition:
Retirement Celebration for Jennifer Keen
Wednesday Evening Program Schedule
Building and Grounds Committee Meeting
Charity Golf Outing
Retirement Celebration for Jennifer Keen – Wednesday, November 7
After more than 22 years of loyal service and self-less dedication, Jennifer Keen will be retiring as parish secretary. While retirement marks the end of one season, so it begins a new one. As a parish family, let us come together to celebrate this change of seasons.
A special celebration of Holy Eucharist will be held on Wednesday, November 7, 2007, at 5:30 PM in honor and thanksgiving for Jennifer’s ministry at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The collection taken that evening will be presented to Jennifer as one token of our appreciation. Following the service, a dinner honoring Jennifer will be served in Craig Hall.
In addition, anyone who wishes to make a contribution toward Jennifer’s purse before the 7th may do so by sending a check to the church, payable to “The Church of the Good Shepherd”, with “Jennifer’s gift” indicated on your check.
Please mark your calendars today for this special evening of thanksgiving for the dedicated ministry of Jennifer Keen and congratulate her as she embarks on new adventures. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 7th at 5:30 PM. For more information, contact Stan Bullock, Sr. Warden at 608-6500 or
Wednesday Evening Program Schedule
During the month of November, the normal Wednesday evening program will only be held on November 14th and November 28th.
5:30 pm — Holy Eucharist
6:15 pm — Supper (provided) with a program following.
The programs in November will focus on stewardship. For more information, contact Fr. Doug at 387-5691 or
Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting – Monday November 5
The Buildings and Grounds Committee holds its monthly meeting every first Monday at 6:00 PM in the Fant Library. For more information, contact Keith Sands, Chair of the Finance Committee at 737-3753 or Nick Humphress at 374-9505 or
Charity Golf Outing – Friday November 9
Good Shepherd will be hosting a charity golf tournament to benefit “The Bridge”. The cost is $95.00 per person or $350.00 per foursome.
The tournament will be held on Friday, November 7, 2007, at the North Hampton Golf Club in Fernandina Beach, FL. The tournament will follow a shotgun format with an 8:30 A.M. tee time. The cost includes greens fees, cart, buffet lunch, golf shirt, prizes and mulligans (3 for $10). Come get away from work and Jacksonville for a day and have fun with us.
Contact Gar Rosengren at 910-9385 (cell) or 384-2442 (home) for more information.
A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the
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