This Week at Good ShepherdThis Week at Good Shepherd
Wednesday Evening Programs
Parish Luncheon
Lectionary for the Week of July 6, 2009
Upcoming Events - Chamber Music Society
Summer Sunday School
Choir Summer Schedule
Chidren's Choir Camp
Forward Day By Day
Flower Chart
Diocesan Youth Ministry
Hurricane Season
From The Hospitality Committee
Help Us Update Our Records
Monday, July 6thWEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAMSBuilding & Grounds Committee (Fant Library)Tuesday, July 7th8:30 pm Garden Guild (Courtyard)Wednesday, July 8th5:30 pm Holy Eucharist (Rite II)Sunday, July 12th - The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
6:00 pm "Faith of the Heart" Series (Craig Hall)8:00 am Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
9:00 am Adult Discussion Group (Craig Hall)
10:00 am Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
11:00 am Parish Luncheon (Worsham Hall)
5:00 pm Chamber Music Society Rehearsal
Wednesday Evenings - The "Faith of the Heart: A Look at the Arts and Worship,"series continues at 6:00 p.m. in Craig Hall. This week Glenn Turner is our guest and will speak about "Ritual and Liturgy."PARISH LUNCHEON
Monday:Upcoming Events
AM Psalm 1, 2, 3; PM Psalm 4, 7
1 Samuel 15:1-3,7-23; Acts 9:19b-31; Luke 23:44-56a
AM Psalm 5, 6; PM Psalm 10, 11
1 Samuel 15:24-35; Acts 9:32-43; Luke 23:56b-24:11
AM Psalm 119:1-24; PM Psalm 12, 13, 14
1 Samuel 16:1-13; Acts 10:1-16; Luke 24:12-35
AM Psalm 18:1-20; PM Psalm 18:21-50
1 Samuel 16:14-17:11; Acts 10:17-33; Luke 24:36-53
AM Psalm 16, 17; PM Psalm 22
1 Samuel 17:17-30; Acts 10:34-48; Mark 1:1-13
AM Psalm 20, 21:1-7(8-14); PM Psalm 110:1-5(6-7), 116, 117
1 Samuel 17:31-49; Acts 11:1-18; Mark 1:14-28
SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOLSunday, July 19th at 6:00 p.m. -
The Chamber Music Society of Good Shepherd ConcertMonteverdi to Bach
G. Gabrieli: Sonata, oboe, 2 violins, continuo
Schuetz: Cantabo Domino, tenor, 2 violins, continuo
Bach: Sonata for viola & harpsichord
Monteverdi: Audi Coelum (Vespers 1610)
2 tenors, CMS Singers, ensemble, continuo
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5Joe Colsant, Timothy Edwards, Shannon Gallier, Angelo Goderre, James Holyer, Anne McKennon, Rob McKennon
Henson Markham, Linda Minke, Larry Rawdon, Caroline Sampson, Gregory Spiess, Rosemary Stout, Tyrone Tidwell, CMS Singers
No Godly Play during the summer months. Children are invited to take an activity bag from the narthex to use during service. Parents are encouraged to help their children follow the liturgy either with the laminated service cards, the Book of Common Prayer or the Hymnal. Summer is a great time to model how we worship.CHOIR SUMMER SCHEDULE
A reminder that the nursery is available during the 10:00 an service for infants and toddlers. Children 4 years old and above should not be taken to the nursery. The summer bags have activities appropriate for these children. Questions or concerns? Contact Deacon Linda (
During the summer the choir will have its summer rehearsal schedule, meeting the first Wednesday of July (1st), and August (5th) at the regular 7 pm hour. Regular rehearsals will resume August 19th.CHILDREN'S CHOIR CAMP
There will be a week-long children's choir training camp for the St. Cecilia and St. Nicholas choirs the week of August 10th here, at Good Shepherd. Any child not currently singing with either of the groups but that is interested in doing so is encouraged to attend. Parents of interested children should contact Shannon Gallier in the music office at 387-5691, ext. 11.FORWARD DAY BY DAY
Copies of Forward Day By Day books for May, June, and July are in the narthex and in the parish office.FLOWERS
The flowers on the altar this week were given to the glory of God and loving memory of Robert G. Lee by Fay Lee.Diocesan Youth Ministry
The flowers in the urns this week were given to the glory of God and to honor John Sidney Pasco, who was baptized Sunday, by Betty Malone.
If you would like to donate funds for altar flowers, please visit the flower chart in the narthex to schedule your arrangement for a particular Sunday. Donations can be made in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one, event, etc. The Flower Guild will provide an arrangement with a $75 donation. Note: To ensure that your order will be honored, please contact the Parish Office for flower requests.
The Episcopal Diocese of FloridaFrom Diocesan Emergency Coordinator, Mr. Tony Gabrielle:
325 Market Street - Jacksonville, FL 32202
904-356-1328 -
Summer Camp @ Camp Weed
Registration forms and scholarship forms for the upcoming summer program at Camp Weed are available on the Camper Information page of the Summer Camp section of the website.
Be sure to visit for information on Diocesan Youth Ministry and the Summer Camp program at Camp Weed.
There is information about Camp Weed in the Church Office and scholarships are available.
The hurricane/storm season has now arrived and, while each parish may or may not have a disaster plan, it is also important that each family have a plan.From the Hospitality Committee:
The State of Florida has developed a template for just that situation.
The Family Disaster Planning website, brought to you by the State of Florida will better prepare you and your family for future disasters by helping you create your own personalized Family Disaster Plan. The web site is:
In a major disaster, emergency workers may not be able to reach everyone right away, and in some cases it may take 3 or more days for help to arrive. What would you do if you had no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service? Having a plan for your family and their needs will help ensure their safety and comfort during these difficult times.
The plan will only take at few minutes. You will be asked to provide information about your home, family, and pets. Using the information you provide, this website will create a personalized Family Disaster Plan that you can print out and save for future emergencies. Included in your plan will be:Remember, the best way to make your family and home safer is to be prepared before a disaster happens.
- Recommended amounts of food and water based on your family information.
- Contact information for your local emergency responders and maps of your local Evacuation Zones.
- Checklists of important steps to take before, during, and after a disaster!
Donations of ginger ale, frozen juices, and cookies are always needed for the coffee hour. Items can be dropped off at the church office. Please write "coffee hour" on each bag.HELP US UPDATE OUR PARISH RECORDS.
Let us know if you want your contact information published in the 2009 Parish Directory. Please fill-out a contact update form and return it to the church office. Forms can be found in the narthex.
Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691