This Week at Good ShepherdThis Week at Good Shepherd
G.S. 101
Lectionary for the Week of April 27, 2009
Forward Day By Day
Ofering Envelopes
Flower Chart
Vestry Minutes - February
Diocesan Youth Ministry
From The Hospitality Committee
Help Us Update Our Records
MONDAY, April 27thGOOD SHEPHERD 1016:00 p.m. - Vestry MeetingTUESDAY, April 28th6:00 p.m. - GS 101WEDNESDAY, April 29th5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist (Rite II)SUNDAY, May 3rd
6:00 p.m. - Hors d'oeuvres and Rector's program
7:00 p.m. - Chancel Choir rehearsal8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist -Rite I
9:00 a.m. - Adult Discussion Group
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite II
Tuesday Evenings @ 6:00 pm.Lectionary for the Week of April 27th
This is an informational series for all newcomers, prospective members, those interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church, and anyone who would just like to learn more about The Episcopal Church in general and Good Shepherd in particular. A nursery will be provided!
AM Psalm 25; PM Psalm 9, 15
Dan.4:19-27; 1 John 3:19-4:6; Luke 4:14-30
AM Psalm 26, 28; PM Psalm 36, 39
Dan. 4:28-37; 1 John 4:7-21; Luke 4:31-37
AM Psalm 38; PM Psalm 119:25-48
Dan. 5:1-12; 1 John 5:1-12; Luke 4:38-44
AM Psalm 37:1-18; PM Psalm 37:19-42
Dan. 5:13-30; 1 John 5:13-20(21); Luke 5:1-11
AM Psalm 105:1-22; PM Psalm 105:23-45
Dan. 6:1-15; 2 John 1-13; Luke 5:12-26
AM Psalm 30, 32; PM Psalm 42, 43
Dan. 6:16-28; 3 John 1-15; Luke 5:27-39
Copies of Forward Day By Day books for May, June, and July are in the narthex and in the parish office.OFFERING ENVELOPES
Those of you who have not already done so, please pick up your offering envelopes in the narthex.FLOWERS
The flowers on the altar this past Sunday were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Wood Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John D. Alderman, and Mr. W. Sperry Lee by Patricia W. Lee.VESTRY MINUTES
If you would like to donate funds for altar flowers, please visit the flower chart in the narthex to schedule your arrangement for a particular Sunday. Donations can be made in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one, event, etc. The Flower Guild will provide an arrangement with a $75 donation. Note: To ensure that your order will be honored, please contact the Parish Office for flower requests.
Below are the Minutes of the February meeting of the Vestry:Diocesan Youth Ministry
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Vestry Minutes - February 23, 2009
Those present: Stan Bullock, Nick Humphress, Shep Colledge, Charlotte Lewis, Keith Sands, John Zell, Randy Stephens, Rupert Bliss, Brian Mills, Bronson Lamb, Susan Merrett, Doug Hodsdon ( no absent members)
Fr. Doug opened the meeting with prayer at 6:05 PM.
Agenda adopted as presented. (Colledge/Humphress)
Minutes for the January meeting were approved as presented. (Sand/Merrett))
Fr. Doug announced his appointment of Shep Colledge as Senior Warden and thanked Stan Bullock for his service during the past three years.
Shep Colledge nominated Nick Humpress to continue as Junior Warden. Seconded by Rupert Bliss and passed by unanimous vote.
Stan Bullock was nominated by the Senior Warden as the new treasurer. Seconded by Nick Humpress and passed by unanimous vote.
The election of a new Clerk of the Vestry was tabled until the March meeting.
Fr. Doug's report included the following:Deacon Linda reported that although Teen MOPS will not be meeting regularly on Thursdays, the parish remains committed to supporting the ministry to teen mothers. The committee will plan a special event to take place during the neighborhood picnic. She thanked everyone who participated in the Safe Church workshop on Saturday, February 21. The next offering will be in May. Dcn Linda also announced the Lenten Outreach project adopted by the Outreach Committee will be the Episcopal Relief and Development "Gifts for Life" project. The committee will present the children with "mite pigs" to collect coins to purchase pigs for families in third world countries. The parish will be encouraged to participate by saving coins to fill a large piggy bank.
- Bishop Keyser will make a visitation on December 13, 2009. Fr. Doug will continue the Good Shepherd 101 in preparation for confirmations at that time. The next session of GS101 reconvenes during Lent.
- Baptisms are scheduled for March 8 and for the Easter Vigil.
- The first WATS (We Are the Sermon) is scheduled for Sunday, March 15. Betty Malone will be the recipient. In the event of inclement weather, the work group will be divided between Betty's house and the Good Shepherd Pool.
- The concert, Lift Every Voice, celebrating Black History Month and featuring local high school choruses was a great success. The nave was filled with visitors. The director has asked to return on January 31, 2010.
- Fr. Doug has agreed to host and participate in the Lee High School baccalaureate on June 1, 2009. Approximately 150 seniors and their families are expected to attend.
- "The Voice" was mailed with the announcement that Shannon Gallier has been hired as the Organist/Choirmaster. His first Sunday will be May 31, the Day of Pentecost.
- The new hanging system for RFAA artwork in Craig Hall is due to be installed February 24.
- The neighborhood picnic to be sponsored by the Outreach Committee, the Fellowship Committee, and the Vestry is on the calendar for April 25.
- Initial discussion has taken place concerning the development of a youth program for the children who are actively involved in the parish and will soon be of age for a youth program.
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper hosted by Rupert and Company will take place on February 24 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
- The annual CEW spaghetti supper is Thursday, February 26 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
- Ash Wednesday services are scheduled for 12:10 PM and 7:30 PM.
Shep Colledge as the newly appointed Senior Warden expressed his excitement for the future of Good Shepherd. He announced that the Vestry will have an overnight retreat at Camp Weed in March. The members of the vestry need to call the church office to make their preference of dates known - either March 13 - 14 or March 27-28.
Junior Warden's report included the following:Randy Stephens requested that the B&G re-hang the flower board that is currently stored in the Archive Room. Nick will follow up on her request.
- He and Paul Arrington, Chair of the Outreach Committee, visited Betty Malone's home to identify tasks for WATS on March 15.
- Buildings and Grounds met and prioritized tasks on the church campus that need attention
- No update on the issues with Trane
Stan Bullock gave an overview of the current financials. The liabilities are down after the full payment of the Diocesan Pledge. The present balance in the checking account is $9000 with monies to be deposited. Payroll is due to come out of the account this week.
Stan presented new banking resolutions. After discussion the following was approved:Stan Bullock, Shep Colledge and Fr. Doug reported on their meeting with the Good Shepherd pool patrons. After conversations concerning the financial challenges of maintaining the pool, the patrons asked for time to develop a plan to find monies to keep the pool operating. The cost of operating the pool in 2008 was $90,000 while the income was $35,000. The church representatives agreed to give the patrons 90 days to present a plan.
- The first resolution concerning check signing abilities was changed to reflect that the rector (Fr. Doug Hodsdon), the Senior Warden (Shep Colledge), the Treasurer (Stan Bullock) and the Parish Administrator (Alina Martinez) may sign all checks issued by the Church on its accounts. (Bullock/Stevens)
- The second resolution gave the capacity to transfer funds in the GMA (cash management account) and the Rector's Supplemental Fund to the Senior Warden (Shep Colledge), the Treasurer (Stan Bullock) and the Rector (Fr. Doug Hodsdon). (Bullock/Wolfe)
- The third resolution allows the Rector (Fr. Doug Hodsdon), the Senior Warden (Shep Colledge) and the Treasurer (Stan Bullock) to sign any necessary documents concerning the line of credit with First Guaranty Bank & Trust.
Charlotte Lewis called for discussion to ensure that the spending for Christmas and Easter flowers would not exceed the donated amounts of monies for each occasion. Discussion resolved that Kathy Brown as the new coordinator for the Easter and Christmas flowers will be given up-to-date reports from the Treasurer on the monies allocated for the flowers.
Brian Mills announced that he and his family would be moving to Cleveland, Ohio due to his wife's new job. He therefore tended with regret his resignation as a Vestry Member. His resignation was accepted with thanks and prayer for their future in Ohio.
Next meeting will be announced after the dates are settled for the Vestry Retreat.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM (Humpress/Merrett)
The Rev. Deacon Linda Rosengren
Clerk of the Vestry
The Episcopal Diocese of FloridaFrom the Hospitality Committee:
325 Market Street - Jacksonville, FL 32202
904-356-1328 -
Summer Camp @ Camp Weed
Registration forms and scholarship forms for the upcoming summer program at Camp Weed are available on the Camper Information page of the Summer Camp section of the website.
Be sure to visit for information on Diocesan Youth Ministry and the Summer Camp program at Camp Weed.
Donations of ginger ale, frozen juices, and cookies are always needed for the coffee hour. Items can be dropped off at the church office. Please write "coffee hour" on each bag.HELP US UPDATE OUR PARISH RECORDS.
Let us know if you want your contact information published in the 2009 Parish Directory. Please fill-out a contact update form and return it to the church office. Forms can be found in the narthex.
Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691