This Week at Good ShepherdThis Week at Good Shepherd
Lectionary for the Week of Feb. 23, 2009
Events This Week
Upcoming Events
GS - 101
Forward Day By Day
Altar Flowers
Cypress String Quartet
Upcoming DCCL Events
Good Friday Offering
From The Hospitality Committee
Help Us Update Our Records
MONDAY, February 23rdLectionary for the Week of February 23rd6:00 p.m. - Vestry Meeting (Craig Hall)TUESDAY, February 24th3:00 p.m. - CEWWEDNESDAY, February 25th Ash Wednesday
5:30 p.m. - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper12:10 p.m. - Holy Eucharist & Imposition of AshesTHURSDAY, February 26th
5:30 p.m. - St. Nicholas & St. Cecilia choirs rehearsal
7:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes3:00 p.m. - CEWFRIDAY, February 27th
4:00 p.m. - Teen MOPS
5:30 p.m. - CEW Spaghetti Dinner8:00 p.m. - RFAA Concert - Cypress String QuartetSUNDAY, March 1st8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist -Rite I
9:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Class
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite II
AM Psalm 25; PM Psalm 9, 15
Deut. 6:10-15; Heb 1:1-14; John 1:1-18
AM Psalm 26, 28; PM Psalm 36, 39
Deut. 6:16-25; Heb 2:1-10; John 1:19-28
Ash Wednesday:
AM Psalm 95* & 32,143; PM Psalm 102,130
Jonah 3:1-4:11; Heb. 12:1-14; Luke 18:9-14
AM Psalm 37:1-18; PM Psalm 37:19-42
Deut. 7:6-11; Titus 1:1-16; John 1:29-34
AM Psalm 95* & 31; PM Psalm 35
Deut. 7:12-16; Titus 2:1-15; John 1:35-42
AM Psalm 30, 32; PM Psalm 42, 43
Deut. 7:17-26; Titus 3:1-15; John 1:43-51
February 24th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake SupperUPCOMING EVENTSFREE TO ALL!!February 26th - CEW Annual Spaghetti Dinner.
WHEN: TUESDAY FEB 24th 5:30-7:00 PM
COME ONE COME ALL BRING THE CHILDREN BRING FRIENDS & BE THERE !!Help support the Children's Enrichment Workshop (CEW) here in the Riverside -Avondale communities. The annual dinner will be Thursday, February 26th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children (4-12). Entertainment will be provided.February 27th- RFAA presents the Cypress String Quartet@ 8:00 pm @ Good Shepherd. Tickets: $25/adults, $10/students.
March 14th - 8th Annual Diocesan Altar Guild LuncheonGS-101
You do not have to be a member of an Altar Guild to attend this luncheon at the Cerveny Conference Center at Camp Weed. You might find a new interest! A Flower Arranging Workshop will be offered by the Flower Guild of San Jose Episcopal. If you would like to register, please contact the Parish Office.
Week of March 2nd - GS-101 is returning for its second performance! GS-101 is an informational series for all newcomers, prospective members, those interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church, and anyone who would just like to learn more about The Episcopal Church in general and Good Shepherd in particular.Please call the Parish Administrator, Alina, and let her know what day works best for you.FORWARD DAY BY DAY
Copies of Forward Day By Day books for February, March, and April are in the narthex and in the parish office.ALTAR FLOWERS
The flowers at the altar this week were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of J.F. Bryan, III by his son J.F. Bryan, IV.CYPRESS STRING QUARTET
If you would like to donate funds for altar flowers, please visit the flower chart in the narthex to schedule your arrangement for a particular Sunday. Donations can be made in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one, event, etc. The Flower Guild will provide an arrangement with a $75 donation. Note: To ensure that your order will be honored, please contact the Parish Office for flower requests.
Singled out by Chamber Music Magazine as, "A Generation X ensemble to watch," the Cypress String Quartet is reaching out in new ways to ignite interest in chamber music. Since its inception in 1996, the Cypress String Quartet has built a respected body of new music, commissioning and premiering over 25 works from many of America's leading composers. To commemorate Felix Mendelssohn's 200th birthday in 2009, the Cypress and the Library of Congress have co-commissioned a new quartet from brilliant young American composer Kevin Puts. Paired with Mendelssohn and Beethoven quartets, Mr. Puts' new work will premiere in February 2009 in Washington DC as part of the "Mendelssohn on the Mall" project in conjunction with the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Museum. Other recent Cypress commissions have come from 2005 Grawemeyer Award winning composer George Tsontakis, and Grammy nominees Benjamin Lees and Jennifer Higdon. Four original Cypress commissions are listed on Chamber Music America's list of "101 Great American Ensemble Works.Diocesan Youth Ministry
The Episcopal Diocese of FloridaUpcoming DCCL Events
325 Market Street - Jacksonville, FL 32202
904-356-1328 -
BreakOut! is a 24 hour retreat for 4-6 graders at Camp Weed. The next weekend is March 7 & 8, 2009 and begins at 3 p.m. The cost is $55 and it's a great introduction to youth ministry in an overnight experience at Camp Weed. The deadline for registration is March 2, 2009. For More information, visit the BreakOut page in the Youth Ministry section of the website at
New Beginnings
New Beginnings is coming back to our diocese. NB #1 * is a 3 day retreat from Friday until Sunday for 6-9 graders at Camp Weed. The next weekend is March 27 - 29, 2009 and begins at 7 p.m. The cost is $100. The deadline for team applications is February 27, 2009 and for participants is March 6, 2009. For More information, visit the New Beginnings in the Youth Ministry section of the website at
The next weekend is April 17-19 for 9-12 graders at Camp Weed. The weekend begins at 7pm. The cost is $100. The deadline for team applications is February 20, 2009 and for candidates is March 20, 2009. The rector of the next weekend is Cassy Chapman from St. Philip's, Jacksonville. For More information, visit the Happening page in the Youth Ministry section of the website at
Summer Camp @ Camp Weed
Registration forms and scholarship forms for the upcoming summer program at Camp Weed are available on the Camper Information page of the Summer Camp section of the website.
Be sure to visit for information on Diocesan Youth Ministry and the Summer Camp program at Camp Weed.
Diocesan Center for Christian LivingGOOD FRIDAY OFFERING
at Camp Weed & Cerveny Conference Center
Lenten Retreat
Meditations on the Sacred Journey of Lent into the Holy Mystery of Easter
March 9-10, 2009
Probing the Gospel of Mark
The Rev. Aaron Uitti
March 28-29, 2009
Eucharistic Visitors Training
April 4, 2009
The Rev. James J. Parks, The Rev. Jimmie Ruth Hunsinger, Mr. Steve Lampros
It is Diocesan policy for Eucharistic Visitors to attend a Continuing Education class every three years in order for licenses to be renewed. EV Continuing Ed will be offered by DCCL each Spring. (Training for new Eucharistic Visitors is offered by DCCL each Fall. Parish priests are required to sign off on registration forms.)
Epiphany 2009From the Hospitality Committee:
For the Congregations of the Episcopal Church
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
For almost a century, the Good Friday Offering has been a source of support, love and hope for the people of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East. This year's 87th Good Friday Offering offers us the opportunity to be nourished by a deepened bond with the churches in the region that is so central to our faith. In my time as Presiding Bishop, I have been deeply moved by their stories of the pain that division brings to the lives of all in this Province of the Anglican Communion.
The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East was formed in 1841 with the purpose of forging friendships with the ancient churches and serving the expatriate communities in this area. The friendships made then have strengthened the work and witness of the entire Episcopal Church ever since. Since 1922, members of the Episcopal Church have given thanks for this extraordinary relationship through their generous giving to the Good Friday Offering. This offering expresses our own commitment to walk with the church of Jerusalem & the Middle East as they continue to work toward justice, reconciliation, and peace. Through our support of these churches we are helping to realize God's visionof shalom.
Again, please join with me in celebrating the work of the Good Friday Offering by generously sharing the gifts we have been given with our sisters and brothers in the Middle East. I remain
Your servant in Christ,
Katharine Jefferts Schori
Donations of ginger ale, frozen juices, and cookies are always needed for the coffee hour. Items can be dropped off at the church office. Please write "coffee hour" on each bag.HELP US UPDATE OUR PARISH RECORDS.
Let us know if you want your contact information published in the 2009 Parish Directory. Please fill-out a contact update form and return it to the church office. Forms can be found in the narthex.
Or you can send corrections, additions, changes, birthdays, Email addresses, etc to or call the church office 387-5691