Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shepherd's Staff Online -- 02/14/2008

Welcome to the Shepherd’s Staff Online. This newsletter is sent weekly by the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd to keep parish members and friends informed of current activities at the church.

In this edition:
Parish Meeting Election Results
Finance Committee Meeting
Committee Chair Meeting
Saturday Morning at the Church
2008 Vestry Commissioning
Vestry Meeting

Parish Meeting Election Results
The annual meeting of the parish was held last Sunday at 10:00 AM. At the meeting, reports were presented and elections were held. Allan Wulbern was elected as delegate to the Diocesan Convention replacing Linda Ross. Additionally, the following members of the congregation were elected to a three-year term on the Vestry.
Rupert Bliss
Charlotte Lewis
Brian Mills
Keith Sands
The new Vestry members replaced Ross Krueger, Jennifer Mills, Courtenay Wilson and Allan Wulbern, who rotated off the Vestry following fulfillment of their term. Congratulations to all elected.

Finance Committee Meeting – Thursday February 14
The Finance Committee holds its monthly meeting every second Thursday at 6:00 PM in the Fant Library. For more information, contact Keith Sands, Chair of the Finance Committee at 737-3753 or

Committee Chair Meeting – Thursday February 14
The Committee Chairs will meet with Fr. Doug on Thursday, February 14, at 6:30 PM in the Fant Library. For more information, contact Fr. Doug Hodsdon at 387-5691 or

Third Saturday at the Church – Saturday February 16
Every third Saturday of the month from 8:00 AM to noon, we will we working on our church. This Saturday, we will be doing some yard work around the courtyard. This work will include trimming shrubs and weeding the flower beds. No skills are necessary except a willingness to participate and possibly get your hands dirty. For more information, contact Skye Carroll

2008 Vestry Commissioning – Sunday February 17
The 2008 Vestry will be commissioned during the 10:00 AM service on Sunday, February 17. Be sure to attend and be a part of this celebration.

Vestry Meeting – Monday February 18
The Vestry holds its monthly meeting every third Monday at 6:00 PM in Craig Lounge. For more information, contact Fr. Doug Hodsdon at 387-5691 or

The parish office will be closed on February 18th in observance of President’s Day.

A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the button at our website at

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Shepherd's Staff Online -- 02/01/2008

Welcome to the Shepherd’s Staff Online. This newsletter is sent weekly by the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd to keep parish members and friends informed of current activities at the church.

In this edition:
Sympathy Card
Offering Envelopes
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Ash Wednesday Services
Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting
Vestry and Diocesan Delegate Nominations
Qualifications for Voting at Parish Meeting

Sympathy Card
On Sunday, January 27, The Reverend Canon Laughton Thomas and his beloved wife Pamela were in a serious automobile accident in Tallahassee. Unfortunately, Pamela was killed in the accident. Let us come together as a congregation and express our sympathy to Fr. Laughton for his loss. A sympathy card will be in the back of the church this Sunday for members of the congregation to sign.

Offering Envelopes
Offering envelopes have arrived and will be available in the back of the church this Sunday and next. If you use offering envelopes, please pick them up from the back of the church.

Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting – Monday February 4
The Buildings and Grounds Committee holds its monthly meeting every first Monday at 6:30 PM in the Fant Library. For more information, contact Nick Humphress, Jr. Warden, at 374-9505 or

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper – Tuesday February 5
Our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, February 5, in Worsham Hall. Shrove Tuesday is also called Pancake Day, or Mardi Gras in France, which means Grease Tuesday. Pancakes are eaten on the day because they contain fat, butter and eggs, which were traditionally forbidden during Lent. Come down to the church for an evening of fellowship and fun.

Ash Wednesday Services – Wednesday February 6
Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist in observance of Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent will be held at 12:10 PM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM service will include music and the choir. Start your Lenten season off on the right foot by participating in the Holy Eucharist on Ash Wednesday.

Annual Parish Meeting – Sunday February 10
The Church of the Good Shepherd will hold its annual Parish Meeting in conjunction with the February Pot Luck Luncheon. At that meeting, we will receive reports from the Delegates to the Diocesan Convention as well as reports from the various committees at Good Shepherd. In addition to receiving the reports, we will be electing four new members to the Vestry and a new delegate to the Diocesan Convention. Be sure to attend this important meeting.

On Sunday, February 10, we will hold only one service at 9:00 AM. The Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Lunch will follow this service. Please mark your calendar as a reminder that we will only have one service at 9:00 AM on Sunday, February 10.

Vestry and Diocesan Delegate Nominations
The following members of the parish have been nominated to be delegate to the Diocesan Convention:
Linda Ross
Allan Wulbern
The following members of the congregation have been nominated to be member of the Vestry:
Rupert Bliss
Charlotte Lewis
Brian Mills
Keith Sands
Elections will be held during the Parish Meeting on February 10, 2007, following the 9:00 AM service.
If you nominated someone whose name is not listed, then the person was not qualified under the church’s bylaws, or that person declined the nomination.

Qualification for Voting at Annual Parish Meeting
According to the bylaws of the Church of the Good Shepherd, members qualified to vote at the annual parish meeting are “all baptized persons sixteen (16) years of age or over who regularly attend the public services of the church and are recognized members of the congregation and who have contributed by subscription or otherwise to the funds and expenses of the church and have done so for six months previous to the meeting, and who, if required, declare themselves conscientiously attached to the doctrines and discipline and worship of the church.”

A calendar of all events at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd can be seen by selecting the button at our website at